SOA11g: Consume a Web Service from JSF Web Page Using Web Service Data Control



* Use Data control for external ws


* JDeveloper


* Create a new application and project
* Create Java classes
* Create an EJB ws
* Create a WS data control
* Create a JSF page
* Add data control to the page
* Set the labels

Create a New Application and Project

* Create a new JDev application named WSDataControlApp
– Application package prefix: oracle
– Application template: Java EE Web Application

* Accept all defaults for the ViewController project:

* Rename the Model project to EJBModel

* WSDataControlApp:

Create Java Classes

* Select EJBModel project.
* Create a new Java class named BatchOrder with package name oracle.model.freight
– Add two properties and generate getter/setter methods:

package oracle.model.freight;
public class BatchOrder {
    private Long batchId;
    private Long orderedQuantity;
    public void setBatchId(Long batchId) {
        this.batchId = batchId;
    public Long getBatchId() {
        return batchId;
    public void setOrderedQuantity(Long orderedQuantity) {
        this.orderedQuantity = orderedQuantity;
    public Long getOrderedQuantity() {
        return orderedQuantity;

* Create another Java Enumeration class named FreightDestination

package oracle.model.freight;
public enum FreightDestination {
    Double factor;
    private FreightDestination(Double factor) {
        this.factor = factor;
    public Double factor() {
        return this.factor;

* Create another Java Enumeration class named CustomerCode

package oracle.model.freight;
public enum CustomerCode {
    Double factor;
    private CustomerCode(Double factor) {
        this.factor = factor;
    public Double factor() {
        return this.factor;
    public Double calculateDiscount(Double originalPrice) {
        return (originalPrice * factor) / 100;

Create an EJB Web Service

* Select EJBModel project.
* Start Create Session Bean wizard by selecting File > New > Business Tier > EJB > Session Bean

– EJB Name: CalculateFreight
– Session Type: Stateless
– Transaction Type: Container

* Use package name oracle.model.freightejb (note freightejb not freight):

* De-Select both Implement a Remote Interface and Implement a Local Interface because we’re exposing the service as a web service:

* Add a business method named calculateFreightCost to the newly crated session bean:

package oracle.model.freight;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import oracle.model.freight.BatchOrder;
import oracle.model.freight.CustomerCode;
import oracle.model.freight.FreightDestination;
@Stateless(name = "CalculateFreight",
           mappedName = "WSDataControlApp-EJBModel-CalculateFreight")
public class CalculateFreightBean {
    public CalculateFreightBean() {
    private static final Double BASE_COST = 10D;
    public Double calculateFreightCost(BatchOrder order,
                                       FreightDestination destination,
                                       CustomerCode customer) {
        Double totalCost =
            BASE_COST + order.getOrderedQuantity() * destination.factor();
        Double discount = customer.calculateDiscount(totalCost);
        return totalCost - discount;

Create a Web Service

* Right click CalculateFreightBean and select Create Web Service… to start Create Java Web Service wizard:

* Select SOAP 1.2 Binding and Document/Wrapped

* Accept defaults for the rest of screens:

Test Web Service

* Right click and select Test Web Service

* Test domain will be crated if not already created before:

* HTTP Analizer:

* Do not close HTTP Analyzer as it’s needed for Web Service Data Control WSDL retrieval below.

Create a Web Service Data Control

* Select File > New > General > Projects > Generic Project to create a new project named DataControl

* Select DataControl project
* Start the Create Web Service Data Control wizard by selecting File > New > Business Tier > Data Controls > Web Service Data Control

* Name the data control FreightCost and WSDL URL is

* Shuffle the only available service to the right panel:

* Stop HTTP Analyzer and Integrated WLS
* Save all.

Create a JSF Page

* Select ViewController project.
* Add ADF Faces Components 11 to project tag libraries

* Add a new JSF page named CalculateFreightCost.jspx by selecting File > New > Web Tier > JSF > JSF Page.

Add WS Data Control to the Page

* Select the newly created JSF page.
* Drag and drop Panel Group Layout to the blank page.

* Expand Data Controls > FreightCost > calculateFreightCost_parameters
* Drag arg0 into the panel group layout component. Select ADF Form and accept all defaults.

* Drag Data Controls > calculateFreightCost to Structure > … > footer.

– Select ADF Button and accept all defaults

* Drag Data Controls > arg1 and drop it into Structure > … > af:panelFormLayout.
– Select Text > ADF Input Text w/ Label

* Drag Data Controls > arg2 and drop it into Structure > … > af:panelFormLayout.
– Select Text > ADF Input Text w/ Label

* Drag Data Controls > Double and drop it into Structure > … > af:panelGroupLayout (note not panelFormLayout).
– Select Text > ADF Output Text w/ Label

* Drag and drop a Separator component into separator facet:

* Save all.
* Right click CalculateFreightCost.jspx and select Run

Set the Labels

* Set batchId label to Order Number

* Set orderQuantity label to Quantity

* Set calculateFreightCost button label to Calculate Cost

* Run jsf page:

Project Source Code

* WSDataControlApp


* Consume a Web Service from a Web Page

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