<?php class Bird { // Constructor function __construct($name, $breed, $price){ $this->name = $name; $this->breed = $breed; $this->price = $price; } function testAll(){ $this->testConstructor(); } function testConstructor(){ // Usage $tweedy = new Bird('Tweedy','canary',15); echo $tweedy->name; } } $bird = new Bird(); $bird->testAll(); ?>
Constructor with Default Values
<?php class Bird { // Constructor with default values function __construct($name='No Name', $breed='Unknown', $price=15){ $this->name = $name; $this->breed = $breed; $this->price = $price; } function testAll(){ $this->testConstructor(); } function testConstructor(){ // Usage $unknown = new Bird(); echo $unknown->name; } } $bird = new Bird(); $bird->testAll(); ?>
//-------- Destructor public function __descruct(){ $this->saveInfo(); }
Magic Methods
__construct() when new object is created __destruct() When object is destroyed e.g. unset($instance) or end of script __destroy() __autoload() Refer to the class for the first time Call constructor Call static methods __clone() __get() and __set() When property being get or set is not found __call() When method being invoked is not found __sleep() When serialized __wakeup() When unserialized __toString()
Exception Handling
try { perform_some_action(); if($some_action_results_in_error) throw new Exception("Houston, we've got a problem..."); perform_another_action(); if($other_action_results_in_error) throw new Exception("Houston, we've got a different problem..."); } catch Exception $e { handle_exception($e); }
Member Visibilities
Public (default) private protected class Bird { //------- Variables private $name; private $breed; private $price; }
Static Member and self Keyword
<?php class ODebug { //------- Helper methods public static function debug($msg, $indent=0){ $indentStr = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++){ $indentStr = $indentStr.' '; } echo $indentStr.$msg.'<br/>'; } public function testDebug(){ // self means current class; no $ and always :: self::debug('Test debug message'); } } $odebug = new ODebug(); $odebug->testDebug(); ODebug::debug('Test debug',2); ?>
<?php class ODebug { // Define a constant. // No access modifier allowed. Default to public static const INDENT_CHAR=' '; //------- Helper methods public static function debug($msg, $indent=0){ $indentStr = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++){ $indentStr = $indentStr.self::INDENT_CHAR; } echo $indentStr.$msg.'<br/>'; } public function testDebug(){ self::debug('Test debug message'); } } $odebug = new ODebug(); $odebug->testDebug(); ODebug::debug('Test debug',2); ?>
Class Inheritance:
Java like
-Single inheritance
-Multiple interfaces
<?php require_once('Bird.php'); require_once('ODebug.php'); class Tweedy extends Bird{ public function chirp(){ ODebug::debug("Tweedy tweedy..."); } } class Parrot extends Bird{ public function __construct($name){ parent::__construct($name,"Parrot",50); } public function chirp(){ ODebug::debug("Qwark Qwark..."); } } $tweedy = new Tweedy('Tweedy2','Still Canary',30); $tweedy->chirp(); $tweedy->display(); $parrot = new Parrot("Patty"); $parrot->chirp(); $parrot->display(); ?>
Abstract and Final Modifier
abstract public function birdCall();
final public function birdCall();
-Can only declare public functions
-Can not declare variables
<?php interface IPet { public function getName(); public function getBreed(); } require_once('IPet.php'); class Bird implements IPet{ public function getName(){ return $this->name; } public function getBreed(){ return $this->breed; } ?>
Reflection API
class_exists($class,$autoload=true) Class_implements($class) Class_parents($class) Get_class_methods($class) Get_class_vars($class) get_class($instance) Get_declared_classes() Get_declared_interfaces() Get_object_vars($instance) Get_parent_class($class) Interface_exists($interface,$autoload=true) Is_a($instance, $class) Method_exists($instance, $method)