* Windows Server 2008R2 Enterprise Edition
* Solaris 10 x64 u11
Prepare Windows Server
* See this post on how to install Windows Server 2008R2 on ESXi 5.1.
Install Identity Management for Unix
* Login Windows Server 2008R2.
* Open Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager
* Right click Server Manager > Roles > Active Directory Domain Service and select Add Role Services
* Select Server for Network Information Services
* Click Next and then Install.
* Restart server.
* Open Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. Check the presence of UNIX Attributes:
Tuning AD
* These Solaris client attributes need to be tuned:
– uid
– uidnumber
– gid
– gidnumber
* Register Schema Management Snap-In
regsvr32 schmmgmt
* Open mmc console
mmc /a
* Add Active Directory Schema snap-in:
File > Add/Remove snap-in… > Active Directory Schema
* Select Console Root > Active Directory Schema > Attributes
* Index attributes: uid, uidnumber, gid, gidnumber
Provision a Unix User in AD
* Add a new user named johndoe to AD:
* With Unix attributes
Configure DNS
* Create a forward (A) and reverse (PTR) DNS record for Solaris client:
* Create a reverse (PTR) DNS record for AD server:
* Check that both forward and reverse lookup worked:
Synchronize Solaris Time to Windows Server NTP Service
Setup Windows 2008 R2 NTP Server
* Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config\AnnounceFlags to 10
* Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer\Enabled to 1
* Restart w32time
net stop w32time && net start w32time
Setup Solaris NTP Client
cp /etc/inet/ntp.client /etc/inet/ntp.conf touch /var/ntp/ntp.drift vi /etc/inet/ntp.conf # With content: server Exchangedc1 driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift multicastclient
* Refresh daemon NTP
svcadm enable svc:/network/ntp svcadm refresh svc:/network/ntp svcadm restart svc:/network/ntp
* check status to make it’s status is online
svcs ntp STATE STIME FMRI online Jul_21 svc:/network/ntp:default
Configure Kerberos with adjoin Script
* Download adjoin-s10u5.tar.gz, for example, from here
* Copy adjoin-s10u5.tar.gz to sol10x64vm1 and unzip it:
gunzip -c adjoin-s10u5.tar.gz |tar xvf -
* Check resolv.conf and nsswitch.dns
* Run adjoin -f
* Verify setup with ldapsearch
ldapsearch -h Exchangedc1 -o mech=gssapi -o authzid='' -b "cn=sol10x64vm1,cn=computers,dc=exchange,dc=local" -s base "" cn version: 1 dn: cn=sol10x64vm1,cn=computers,dc=exchange,dc=local cn: SOL10X64VM1
* List Kerberos ticket cache:
klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: host/ Valid starting Expires Service principal 07/22/13 19:52:26 07/23/13 05:52:26 krbtgt/EXCHANGE.LOCAL@EXCHANGE.LOCAL 07/22/13 19:52:26 07/23/13 05:52:26 ldap/
* List host keys
klist -e -k /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab KVNO Principal ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 host/ (AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC) 2 host/ (AES-128 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC) 2 host/ (ArcFour with HMAC/md5) 2 host/ (DES cbc mode with CRC-32) 2 host/ (DES cbc mode with RSA-MD5)
* List /etc/krb5/krb5.conf file content:
cat /etc/krb5/krb5.conf [libdefaults] default_realm = EXCHANGE.LOCAL [realms] EXCHANGE.LOCAL = { kdc = kpasswd_server = kpasswd_protocol = SET_CHANGE admin_server = } [domain_realm] .exchange.local = EXCHANGE.LOCAL
* Verify presence of Unix attribute for user
ldapsearch -h Exchangedc1 -o mech=gssapi -o authzid='' -b "cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local" "cn=John Doe" version: 1 dn: CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=local objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: user cn: John Doe sn: Doe givenName: John distinguishedName: CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=local ... uid: johndoe msSFU30Name: johndoe msSFU30NisDomain: exchange uidNumber: 10100 gidNumber: 100 unixHomeDirectory: /export/home/johndoe loginShell: /bin/bash
Initialize Solaris LDAP Client
* This allows Solaris host to access naming service from AD
* DNS client is enabled:
svcadm enable svc:/nework/dns/client:default svcs -a |grep dns disabled Jul_20 svc:/network/dns/server:default online 18:34:27 svc:/network/dns/client:default
* nscs, which is Solaris caching daemon, is enabled in order to use per-user authentication functionality:
svcadm enable name-service-cache svcs -a |grep name-service online 19:53:01 svc:/system/name-service-cache:default
* /etc/resolv.conf file is properly configured:
cat /etc/resolv.conf domain exchange.local nameserver
* Both forward and reverse DNS lookup for AD server are successful
nslookup exchangedc1 nslookup
* /etc/nsswitch.ldap uses DNS for hosts and ipnodes
cat /etc/nsswitch.ldap|grep dns hosts: dns ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files ipnodes: dns ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files
Initialize with ldapclient
* Run ldapclient:
ldapclient -v manual \ -a credentialLevel=self \ -a authenticationMethod=sasl/gssapi \ -a defaultSearchBase=dc=exchange,dc=local \ -a domainName=exchange.local \ -a defaultServerList= \ -a attributeMap=passwd:gecos=cn \ -a attributeMap=passwd:homedirectory=unixHomeDirectory \ -a objectClassMap=group:posixGroup=group \ -a objectClassMap=passwd:posixAccount=user \ -a objectClassMap=shadow:shadowAccount=user \ -a serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local?one \ -a serviceSearchDescriptor=group:cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local?one
> > > > > > > > > > > > Parsing credentialLevel=self Parsing authenticationMethod=sasl/gssapi ... Arguments parsed: authenticationMethod: sasl/gssapi defaultSearchBase: dc=exchange,dc=local ... About to modify this machines configuration by writing the files Stopping network services Stopping sendmail ... ldap not running nisd not running nis(yp) not running file_backup: stat(/etc/nsswitch.conf)=0 file_backup: (/etc/nsswitch.conf -> /var/ldap/restore/nsswitch.conf) .. Starting network services start: /usr/bin/domainname exchange.local... success start: DNS client is enabled ... restart: sleep 100000 microseconds restart: milestone/name-services:default... success System successfully configured
* Restart LDAP client
svcadm restart svc:/network/ldap/client:default svcs -a|grep ldap online 19:54:08 svc:/network/ldap/client:default
* Verify the contents of LDAP client cache:
# ldapclient list NS_LDAP_FILE_VERSION= 2.0 NS_LDAP_SERVERS= NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= dc=exchange,dc=local NS_LDAP_AUTH= sasl/GSSAPI NS_LDAP_CACHETTL= 0 NS_LDAP_CREDENTIAL_LEVEL= self NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= passwd:cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local?one NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= group:cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local?one NS_LDAP_ATTRIBUTEMAP= passwd:homedirectory=unixHomeDirectory NS_LDAP_ATTRIBUTEMAP= passwd:gecos=cn NS_LDAP_OBJECTCLASSMAP= shadow:shadowAccount=user NS_LDAP_OBJECTCLASSMAP= passwd:posixAccount=user NS_LDAP_OBJECTCLASSMAP= group:posixGroup=group
Using Naming Service Switch and PAM
* cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: files ldap group: files ldap hosts: dns ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files ipnodes: dns ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files
* Add to /etc/pam.conf
login auth sufficient
other auth sufficient
other account required
other password sufficient
# grep pam_krb5 /etc/pam.conf login auth sufficient krlogin auth required krsh auth required ktelnet auth required other auth sufficient other account required other password sufficient
* getent
# getent passwd johndoe johndoe:x:10100:100:John Doe:/export/home/johndoe:/bin/bash
* ldaplist
# ldaplist -l passwd johndoe dn: gecos=John Doe,gecos=Users,DC=exchange,DC=local objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: posixAccount cn: John Doe sn: Doe givenName: John distinguishedName: CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=exchange,DC=local ... uid: johndoe msSFU30Name: johndoe msSFU30NisDomain: exchange uidNumber: 10100 gidNumber: 100 homedirectory: /export/home/johndoe loginShell: /bin/bash gecos: John Doe
* Create home directory for johndoe
mkdir /export/home/johndoe chown johndoe /export/home/johndoe
* Login as johndoe
bash-3.2$ id uid=10100(johndoe) gid=100 bash-3.2$ klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_10100 Default principal: johndoe@EXCHANGE.LOCAL Valid starting Expires Service principal 07/22/13 21:07:06 07/23/13 07:07:06 krbtgt/EXCHANGE.LOCAL@EXCHANGE.LOCAL renew until 07/29/13 21:07:06 07/22/13 21:07:06 07/23/13 07:07:06 ldap/ renew until 07/29/13 21:07:06
Test Password Management
* Login as johndoe and change password with kpasswd (not passwd)
Useful Tools
Export ldif File from AD: ldifde
ldifde -f johndoe.ldif -d "CN=John Doe,CN=USERS,DC=exchange,DC=local"
* ldapadd command example:
ldapadd -h exchangedc1 -D "cn=Administrator,cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local" -w "Welcome1" -f johndoe2.ldif -v
* johndoe2.ldif
dn: cn=John Doe2,cn=Users,dc=exchange,dc=local objectClass: user cn: John Doe2 sn: Doe2 givenName: John distinguishedName: cn=John Doe2,cn=Users,dc=exchange,dc=local displayName: John Doe2 sAMAccountName: johndoe2 userPrincipalName: johndoe2@exchange.local accountExpires: 0 msSFU30NisDomain: exchange uid: johndoe2 uidNumber: 10102 gidNumber: 100 unixHomeDirectory: /export/home/johndoe2 loginShell: /bin/bash
ldapadd -h exchangedc1 -D "cn=Administrator,cn=users,dc=exchange,dc=local" -w "Welcome1" -f johndoe2b.ldif -v
* johndoe2.ldif
dn: cn=John Doe2,cn=Users,dc=exchange,dc=local changetype: modify replace: userAccountControl userAccountControl: 512
* Note that this example does not work.
* kerberos_s10.pdf
* Solaris 10 and Active Directory Integration
* Solaris Authentication Login with Active Directory
* Joining Unix-like systems to an Active Directory
* Solaris : automatic creation of home dirs
* Authenticating UNIX/Linux to Windows 2008R2. Part 2 : Solaris 10
* Creating Active Directory Accounts
2 Responses to Solaris Authentication with Active Directory