Apache ServiceMix 3

ServiceMix JBI Components
servicemix-bean: allow deployment of POJOs as JBI components
servicemix-eip: provides message routing based enterprise integration patterns
servicemix-file: allows access to files
servicemix-http: allows access to soap and http based services
servicemix-jms: allows access to jms services
servicemix-camel: uses Apache Camel for message routing based on eip
servicemix-cxf: uses Apache CXF for web services support

Service Unit Jar File
* Standard file structure
* Configuration file based on Apache XBean
– xbean.xml

Message Routing and Transformation
Use EIP Service Engine
* Content based routing
* Message filter: drops a message based on criteron
* Pipeline: serves as a bridge between in-only and in-out MEP
* Static recipient list: multicast
* Wire tap
* XPath splitter
* Splitter/aggregator
* Content enricher
* Resequncer

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