Java RegExp

§Meta characters

•Escape meta character

are enclosed within []
•Simple class
[abc]: a, b, or c
[^abc]: any character except a,b,c
[a-c]: character a to c
[0-9&&[345]]: 3,4,5
[0-9&&[^345]]: except 3,4,5

§Predefined character classes
. any character
\d a digit [0-9]
\D a non digit [^0-9]
\s a whitespace character
\S a non-whitespace character
\w a word character [a-zA-Z_0-9]
\W a non-word character[^\w]

greedy reluctant possessive
x? x?? x?+

§Capturinq groups

§Back reference

§Boundary Matchers
^ begin of a line
$ end of a line
\b a word boundary
\B a non-word boundary
\A beqin of the input
\G end of previous match
\Z end of the input but for the final terminator, if any
\z end of input

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