WebLogic 11g: Deploying with weblogic.Deployer


Uploading Deployment Files from a Remote Client

java weblogic.Deployer \
    -adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
    -username weblogic \
    -password weblogic \
    -deploy \
    -upload \

* Uploaded to server’s upload directory (defaults to ?).

Deploying to a Single-Server Domain

java weblogic.Deployer \
   -adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
   -username weblogic \
   -password weblogic \
   -deploy \
   -name myTestApplication \

Deploying an Application with a Deployment Plan

java weblogic.Deployer \
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
	-username weblogic \
	-password weblogic \
	-deploy \
	-name myTestDeployment \
	-source /myDeployments/installedApps/myApplication/app/myApplication.ear \
	-targets myCluster \
	-stage \
	-plan /myDeployments/installedApps/myApplication/plan/plan.xml

Deploying an Application That Looks Up System Resources from JNDI During preStart

* Create and activate desired system resources in a separate session before deploy the application that relies on it.

Targeting Deployments to Servers, Clusters, and Virtual Hosts

* Deploy to sinple target:

java weblogic.Deployer \
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
	-username weblogic \
	-password weblogic \
	-deploy \
	-targets companyHost c:\localfiles\myWebApp.ear

* Deploy to more than one targets:

java weblogic.Deployer \
    -adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
    -username weblogic \
    -password weblogic \
    -deploy \
    -targets ManagedServer-1,ManagedServer-2 \

* Deploy to a cluster target:
– To enforce strict deployment for all servers configured in a cluster:


Using Module-Level Targeting for Deploying an Enterprise Application

Target individual modules in an enterprise application

java weblogic.Deployer \
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
	-username weblogic \
	-password weblogic \ 
	-name myEnterpriseApp \
	-targets module1@myserver1,module2@myserver2,module3@myserver3 \
	-stage \
	-deploy c:\localfiles\myEnterpriseApp.ear

Targeting Web Application Modules

– To target Web application modules that are part of an .ear file, you can use the Web application’s context-root name as the module name or specify the web-uri.
– If


You can use context-root:

java weblogic.Deployer \
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
	-username weblogic \
	-password weblogic \
	-name mywebapplication \
	-targets /welcome@myserver1 \
	-stage \
	-deploy c:\localfiles\myEnterpriseApp.ear

Or web uri:

java weblogic.Deployer \
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
	-username weblogic \
	-password weblogic \
	-name mywebapplication \
	-targets myweb.war@myserver1 \
	-stage \
	-deploy c:\localfiles\myEnterpriseApp.ear

– For default context root, i.e. ‘/’


Then only

java weblogic.Deployer \
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 \
	-username weblogic \
	-password weblogic \
	-name mywebapplication \
	-targets /@myserver1 \
	-stage \
	-deploy c:\localfiles\myEnterpriseApp.ear

Deploying JDBC, JMS, and WLDF Application Modules

* Only available to the server to which they are targeted.
– Need to target to multiple servers or cluster to be available on them.

Targeting Application-Scoped JMS, JDBC, and WLDF Modules

* Application-scoped resource modules can be targeted independently of other EAR modules during deployment, if necessary, by using module-level targeting syntax.
* For example:

java weblogic.Deployer 
	-adminurl http://localhost:7001 
	-username weblogic
	-password weblogic 
	-name myEnterpriseApp
	-targets myWebApp@myCluster,myJDBCModule@myserver1,myEJBModule@myserver1 
	-deploy c:\localfiles\myEnterpriseApp.ear

Sub-module Targeting for Standalone JMS Modules

* For a standalone JMS module, the submodule targeting syntax is: -submoduletargets submodule_name@target_name.
* For example, to deploy a standalone JMS module on a single server instance, targeting the submodule myQueue to a JMS Server named JMSServer1, enter the command:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
   -password weblogic -name myJMSModule
   -targets ManagedServer1 -submoduletargets myQueue@JMSServer1
   -deploy c:\localfiles\myJMSModule.xml

* To undeploy the same JMS module, enter the following command, which, assuming myJMSModule contains more than one submodule, will undeploy only the myQueue submodule; all other submodules are unaffected.

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
   -password weblogic -name myJMSModule
   -undeploy -submoduletargets myQueue@JMSServer1

Sub-module Targeting for Application-scoped JMS Modules

* For an application-scoped JMS module in an EAR, use the syntax: submodule_name@module_name@target_name to target a submodule.
* For example, if the queue in the above example were instead packaged as part of an Enterprise application, you would use the command:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
   -password weblogic -name myEnterpriseApp
   -targets ManagedServer1 -submoduletargets myQueue@myJMSModule@JMSServer1
   -deploy c:\localfiles\myEnterpriseApp.ear

* To undeploy the same JMS module, enter the following command, which, assuming myEnterpriseApp contains more than one submodule, will undeploy only the myQueue submodule; all other submodules are unaffected.

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
   -password weblogic -name myEnterpriseApp
   -undeploy -submoduletargets myQueue@myJMSModule@JMSServer1

Deployment Stage Modes

* Determines how deployment files are made available to target servers that must deploy an application or standalone module.
* WebLogic Server provides three different options for staging files:
– stage mode,
– nostage mode,
– external_stage mode.

nostage Mode

* The Administration Server does not copy deployment unit files.
* Stage directory is ignored.
* Instead, all servers deploy using the same physical copy of the deployment files, which must be directly accessible by the Administration Server and target servers.
* With nostage deployments of exploded archive directories, WebLogic Server automatically detects changes to a deployment’s JSPs or Servlets and refreshes the deployment. (This behavior can be disabled if necessary.)
* Default mode used by Admin Console to deploy only to Admin Server.
* Use when
– Deploying to a single-server domain.
– Deploying to a cluster on a multi-homed machine.
– Deploying very large applications to multiple targets or to a cluster where deployment files are available on a shared directory.
– Deploying exploded archive directories that you want to periodically redeploy after changing content.
– Deployments that require dynamic update of selected Deployment Descriptors via the Administration Console.
* Syntax

java weblogic.Deployer 
    -adminurl http://localhost:7001 
    -username weblogic
    -password weblogic 
    -name mydeploymentname 
   -targets myserver1,myserver2,myserver3 
   -deploy c:\localfiles\myapp.ear

stage Mode

* The Administration Server first copies the deployment unit source files to the staging directories of target servers.
– The staging directory is named stage by default, and it resides under the target server’s root directory.
* When copying files to the staging directory, the Administration Server creates a subdirectory with the same name as the deployment name.
* The target servers then deploy using their local copy of the deployment files.
* stage mode is the default mode for:
– Administration Console when deploying to more than one WebLogic Server instance.
– Managed Servers.
– weblogic.Deployer uses the target server’s staging mode as the default,
* Use when:
– Deploying small or moderate-sized applications to multiple WebLogic Server instances.
– Deploying small or moderate-sized applications to a cluster.
* Syntax:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
   -password weblogic -name mydeploymentname 
   -targets myserver1,myserver2,myserver3 -stage 
   -deploy c:\localfiles\myapp.ear

external_stage Mode

* Similar to stage mode, i.e. target servers deploy apps using local copies of deployment files.
* You have to copy files to each target server’s staging directory manually.
– Deployment files must be stored in a subdirectory that reflects the deployment name.

cd WL_HOME/stage
mkdir myEARExternal/2.0Beta
cp myear myEARExternal/2.0Beta

* Use when you deploy very large applications to multiple machines and
– do not have a shared file system
– cannot use nostage mode
* Use the -noversion option to turn off the requirement that deployment files be on the Administration Server, but the -noversion option causes versioning information to be ignored so you cannot use the -noversion option with versioned applications.
* Syntax:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -name weblogic
   -password weblogic -external_stage -name myEARExternal 
   -deploy c:\myapps\myear

Changing the Default Staging Behavior for a Server

* The server staging mode specifies the default deployment mode for a server if none is specified at deployment time, e.g. weblogic.Deployer.
* You can only change the server staging mode by using the Administration Console or by directly changing the ServerMBean via JMX.
* Changing the server staging mode does not affect existing applications.
– If you want to change the staging mode for an existing application, you must undeploy the application deployment and then redeploy it with the new staging mode.
* How to change

Distributing Applications to a Production Environment


* Copy application deployment files to all target servers and validate it.
* Application can be started in Admin mode after distribution (use the -adminmode option).


java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
     -password weblogic -distribute -name myTestDeployment

Start Application in Admin Mode

* Restricts access to the application to a configured Administration channel.
* Allows you to distribute the application or new version to a production environment without opening the application to external client connections.
* Need to configure an administration channel.
* Start a Distributed Application in admin mode:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
     -password weblogic -start -adminmode -name myTestDeployment

* Starting a Distributed Application for new client connections:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
     -password weblogic -start -name myTestDeployment

Deploying Shared Java EE Libraries and Dependent Applications

* A Java EE library is
– a standalone Java EE module,
– multiple Java EE modules packaged in an Enterprise application (EAR),
– or a plain JAR file that is registered with the Java EE application container upon deployment.
* After a Java EE library has been registered, you can deploy Enterprise applications that reference the library.
* Each referencing application receives a copy of the shared Java EE library module(s) on deployment (merging), and can use those modules as if they were packaged as part of the application itself.
* Need to redeploy all referencing applications after new version of library is deployed.
* Deploy as a library:

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
     -password weblogic -deploy -targets myserver1,myserver2
     -library /deployments/myLibraryApplication/

* Should always specify a libary version number:
– in manifest file
– use libspecver and/or libimplver options.

java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -username weblogic
     -password weblogic -deploy -targets myserver1,myserver2
     -library -libspecver 700 -libimplversion 

* Deploying applications that reference libraries as ususal.
– All referenced libraries are registered on the application’s target servers.
– Registered libraries meet the version requirements of the referencing application.

[mv_include id=”3569″]
* weblogic.Deployer Command-Line Reference

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