Integrate SOA Software Repository Manager and Policy Manager

On SM5.2 Side
-Make sure update 2.0 (sm52.update.2.0) has been applied.

-Download and apply update: repository-manager-integration-1.0.0 update following the update document

-Login SM DB and Execute: setup.sql

-Run sm52\bin\update52ModelForRM.bat script to create necessary integration services

Login SM console
-Add guest user to guest role: Workbench -> Security -> Role Memberships -> Manage Role (Guest)
-Modify service_workflow.xml

<arg name="rm-user-name">matt</arg>
<arg name="rm-password">secret</arg>
<arg name="rm-host-url">http://localhost:8080/rm</arg>

-Add services workflow: Configure -> Workflow -> Services Workflow Admin -> Update Workflow -> Custom Workflow. Browse to service_workflow.xml and click Apply button.
-Add contracts workflow: Configure -> Workflow -> Contracts Workflow Admin -> Update Workflow -> Custom Workflow. Browse to contracts_workflow.xml and click Apply button.
-Add sample policies: Policies -> Compliance Policies -> Import Policy. Browse to sample_policies.xml and click Import button.
-Add service level policies: Policy -> Add Service Level Policy.

On PM Side
-Get current library configuration xml file
-Add to lpc.xml with correct values

<!-- ************************** -->
<!--  GLOBAL DEFINITIONS        -->
<!-- ************************** -->
  <!-- Define Policy Manager connection -->
  <federated-system name="SMLocal" class="PolicyManager">
      <property name="registry-host" value="http://localhost" />
      <property name="user" value="administrator" />
      <property name="password" value="password" encrypt="true" />
<!-- after importers -->
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
  <!-- Artifact Sources           -->
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
  <artifact-source name="PolM" class="PolicyManagerArtifactSource">
    <!--  This artifact source can retrieve service information from Policy Manager. 
           Tokens and meanings: 
             wsdl - retrieves the service WSDL
             service -  retrieves the Policy Manager service detail page
      <property name="federated-system-name" value="SMLocal" />
  <value-source name="PolicyManagerSLPs" class="PolicyManagerSLPs">
      <property name="federated-system-name" value="SMLocal" />
<!-- Collects OrgGroup related events, for Service Manager Syncronization -->
<!-- last element of filters -->
<filter name="Group Events">
<!--  Synchronize Groups with PolicyManager -->
<listener name="SM Organization Publisher" class="PolicyManagerOrganizationPublisher">
    <property name="federated-system-name" value="SMLocal" />
<!--  Notify library administrators of configuration error... -->
<!--  Update Groups in federated Sevice Manager -->
<action name="Synchonize Groups">
    <event-filter>Group Events</event-filter>
  <listener>SM Organization Publisher</listener>

-Update current library configuration file

Sync PM Orgs
-Administration -> Execute Command
-Command: SynchronizePolicyManagerOrganizations
-Parameter 1: SMLocal

Enable Service Publishing
-Open lpc.lpc with Configuration Editor
-Create a new Submission process (drag into workspace under existing Governed Submission Process) and name it Submission and Publish to Policy Manager. Set Context filter to include Service and Service Implementation.
-Add a new “Notify Submitter” task into the Governance box and name it Notify Submitter Approval Required
-Add a new “Approval” task under the Notify Submitter task and name it “Project Manager Approval”. Set Approval Role to “Project Manager” from the Property panel.
-Add a new “Publish Service Manager to Policy Manager” under the approval task. Set Federated System Name to SMLocal

-Save lpc.lpc
-Update library with new lpc.lpc.

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