Import Property File
* Import property file.
<project name="testproj" default="init"> <dirname property="testproj.dir" file="${ant.file.testproj}"/> <property file="${testproj.dir}/"/>
* Here is good discussion on how to use multiple lines in property files. Basically, you use ‘\n\’ in property files to separate lines.
multiline=\nThis is a \n\ multiple \n\ line text.
Import Another Build File
* You can import another build file and directly call targets contained within the imported file.
<import file="build_misc.xml"/>
Escape Characters
Use the dollar sign to escape characters.
<echo>$${}: ${}</echo>
Check for OS
<condition property=""> <os family="windows"/> </condition> <condition property="is.unix"> <os family="unix"/> </condition> <target name="do.something" depends=", do.unix"/> <target name="" if=""> <echo message="This is Windows."/> </target> <target name="do.unix" if="is.unix"> <echo message="This is Unix."/> </target>
Find Hostname
<property environment="env"/> <exec executable="hostname" os="SunOS" <!-- use osfamily after Ant 1.7 --> failifexecutionfails="false" outputproperty="env.COMPUTERNAME"/> <property name="" value="${env.COMPUTERNAME}"/>
* Child build file to be imported:
<project name="childbuild" default="childtarget"> <dirname property="childbuild.dir" file="${ant.file.childbuild}"/> <property file="${childbuild.dir}/"/> <target name="childtarget"> <echo> $${}: ${} $${ant.file.childbuild}: ${ant.file.childbuild} $${prop1}: ${prop1} $${prop2}: ${prop2} </echo> </target> </project>
* Property file to be imported into child build file:
prop1=ThisIsPropertyOne prop2=ThisIsPropertyTwo
* Main build file overriding child target:
project name="mainbuild" default="childtarget"> <import file="childbuild.xml"/> <target name="childtarget" depends="childbuild.childtarget"> <echo> Overriding childtarget. $${prop1}: ${prop1} $${prop2}: ${prop2} </echo> </target> </project>
* Call child target from main build file:
C:\TestAnt\ant childtarget Buildfile: build.xml childbuild.childtarget: [echo] [echo] ${}: mainbuild [echo] ${ant.file.childbuild}: C:\TestAnt\childbuild.xml [echo] ${prop1}: ThisIsPropertyOne [echo] ${prop2}: ThisIsPropertyTwo [echo] childtarget: [echo] [echo] Overriding childtarget. [echo] ${prop1}: ThisIsPropertyOne [echo] ${prop2}: ThisIsPropertyTwo [echo] BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds
* List all targets
ant -p list all targets