Here is a nice thread describing how to generate XML schema from Oracle tables. I tried the following function and it worked great.
* Compile the following PL/SQL function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GEN_XML_SCHEMA(target_table varchar2) RETURN xmltype AS xmlSchema XMLTYPE; currUser VARCHAR2(128); BEGIN SELECT sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') INTO currUser FROM dual; SELECT -- Begin schema xmlElement( "xsd:schema", xmlAttributes( '' AS "xmlns:xsd", '' AS "xmlns:xdb", 'http://' || target_table || '/xsd' AS "targetNamespace", 'http://' || target_table || '/xsd' AS "xmlns:tns", 'qualified' AS "elementFormDefault" ), -- Base type xmlElement( "xsd:complexType", xmlAttributes( currUser || '.Base_T' AS "name" ) ), -- Element xmlElement( "xsd:element", xmlAttributes( currUser || '.' || target_table || 'S' AS "name", 'tns:' || currUser || '.' || target_table || 'S_T' AS "type" ) ), -- Rows type to hold multiple rows xmlElement( "xsd:complexType", xmlAttributes ( currUser || '.' || target_table || 'S_T' AS "name" ), -- Multipe rows xmlElement ( "xsd:sequence", xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlAttributes ( currUser || '.' || target_table AS "name", 'tns:' || currUser || '.' || target_table || '_T' AS "type", 'unbounded' AS "maxOccurs" ) ) ) ), -- Row type to hold single row xmlElement ( "xsd:complexType", xmlAttributes ( currUser || '.' || target_table || '_T' AS "name" ), xmlElement( "xsd:complexContent", xmlElement( "xsd:extension", xmlAttributes ( 'tns:' || currUser || '.Base_T' AS "base" ), -- Individual columns xmlElement ( "xsd:sequence", ( xmlAgg(ELEMENT) ) ) ) ) ) ) INTO xmlSchema FROM ( SELECT INTERNAL_COLUMN_ID, CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE IN ('VARCHAR2', 'CHAR') THEN xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name AS "name", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) AS "minOccurs", column_name AS "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE AS "xdb:SQLTYPE" ), xmlElement ( "xsd:simpleType", xmlElement ( "xsd:restriction", xmlAttributes ( 'xsd:string' AS "base" ), xmlElement ( "xsd:maxLength", xmlAttributes ( DATA_LENGTH AS "value" ) ) ) ) ) WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'DATE' THEN xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name AS "name", --'xsd:dateTime' as "type", 'xsd:date' AS "type", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) AS "minOccurs", column_name AS "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE AS "xdb:SQLTYPE" ) ) WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'NUMBER' THEN xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name AS "name", decode(DATA_SCALE, 0, 'xsd:integer', 'xsd:double') AS "type", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) AS "minOccurs", column_name AS "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE AS "xdb:SQLTYPE" ) ) ELSE xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name AS "name", 'xsd:anySimpleType' AS "type", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) AS "minOccurs", column_name AS "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE AS "xdb:SQLTYPE" ) ) END ELEMENT FROM user_tab_cols c WHERE TABLE_NAME = target_table ORDER BY internal_column_id ); RETURN xmlSchema; END; /
* Run the function:
-- Complete schema SELECT gen_xml_schema('MY_TABLE').extract('/*') FROM dual; -- Select element and complexType SELECT gen_xml_schema('RF_TAG_TXN').extract('/schema/element | /schema/complexType', 'xmlns=""') FROM dual;
* Generate schema from multiple tables:
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY dir_temp AS 'C:\TEMP'; DECLARE TYPE tableNameArray IS varray(100) OF VARCHAR2(64); tableNames tableNameArray; outputFileName VARCHAR2(100) := 'MY_SCHEMA.xsd'; outputFileHandler UTL_FILE.file_type; tableXmlType xmlType; xmlRootElementBegin VARCHAR2(500) := '<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xdb="" targetNamespace="http://my.db/xsd" xmlns:tns="http://my.db/xsd" elementFormDefault="qualified">'; xmlRootElementEnd VARCHAR2(500) := '</xsd:schema>'; BEGIN -- Database tables tableNames := tableNameArray( 'TABLE1', 'TABLE2'); -- Open schema file to write outputFileHandler := UTL_FILE.fopen('DIR_TEMP', outputFileName, 'W'); -- Write root element begin tag UTL_FILE.put_line(outputFileHandler, xmlRootElementBegin); -- Loop through all tables FOR tblName IN 1 .. tableNames.count loop DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Processing table: ' || tableNames(tblName)); -- Generate xml schema from each table SELECT gen_xml_schema(tableNames(tblName)).extract( '/schema/element|/schema/complexType', 'xmlns=""') INTO tableXmlType FROM dual; -- Write xml schema IF tableXmlType IS NOT NULL THEN UTL_FILE.put_line(outputFileHandler, tableXmlType.getStringVal()); END IF; END loop; -- Write root element end tag UTL_FILE.put_line(outputFileHandler, xmlRootElementEnd); -- Close file UTL_FILE.fclose(outputFileHandler); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK); END; /