Logidex Repository Manager Admin

Update lib.conf
install update-config

Logidex Version

Repository Manager Internal Maintenance Page
-Administration -> Execute Command


Installation Configuration
smtp_host: SMTP hostname to forward email notifications
logidex/webhostext: The hostname and port portion of the application’s URL. This value is used in email notifications and certain URL rewrites. E.g. rmserver.example.com:8080
logidex/adminUsers: Semi-colon delimited list of LDAP userID’s who have access to the Installation Administration console No application restart required
logidex/ldap/url: LDAP connection. See LDAP section above. Requires appserver restart, but first, be sure superuser is enabled by logging in through …/application/access/suLogin.do
logidex/ldap/binddn: DN of the LDAP user initiating connections See warning above
logidex/ldap/bindpassword: Password for LDAP bind user See warning above
logidex/ldap/ownershipMode: Either guest or native See warning above
logidex/followReferrals: Specifies whether or not LDAP referrals are expected–true or false. See warning above
logidex/use_ssl: See SSL section of this document
logidex/showlibrarylist: Value of true or false to show the list of libraries on the challenge and library prompt pages No application restart required
logidex/cache/asset_cache_size: Performance setting for the maximum size of the Asset object cache. Integer.
logidex/cache/user_cache_size: Performance setting for the maximum size of the User object cache. Integer.
logidex/cache/orggroup_cache_size: Performance setting for the maximum size of the Group object cache. Integer.
logidex/userIdHeader: Name of SSO HTTP header. See SSO section of this document.
logidex/challengeURL: Complete URL of SSO challenge page. See SSO section of this document.
logidex/logoutRedirect: Complete URL of a logout page. Particularily useful in an SSO environment.
logidex/wsauthorizationpolicy: Standard or open web services authentication. Either “com.logiclibrary.security.WSAuthorizationPolicyStandard” or “com.logiclibrary.security.WSAuthorizationPolicyOpen”.
database_schema_updatable: True or false: the database user can drop and recreate views.
The following properties cannot be set via the SetInstallationProperty command
Superuser password
Database details such as instance name and connection details


DisplayAsset: param1: asset name param2: asset version
ShowAssetHistory: param1: asset id
RemoveAsset: param1: Asset name param2:Asset version Param3: delete (optional, removes from catalog)


Library Configuration
GetCurrentProcessConfiguration: get library configuration xml file.
SetProcessConfiguration: set library configuration xml file.

ExportConfig: export to config.zip file.
ImportConfig: import a config.zip file.
SynchronizeContacts: Refresh cached contact attribute information from an external contact source such as LDAP.
RemoveUser: 1st param: userid to remove; 2nd param: userid to move to.

Set Installation Administrators
-Administration -> Execute Command
Command: SetInstallationProperty
Parameter 1: logidex/adminUsers
Parameter 2: semi-colon separated list of userID’s

Set Library Administrator
-Administration -> Users -> Select user
-Click Roles [Edit]
-Check Library Administrator check box

Create a new library
-Administration -> Create new library.

Create a new asset type

-Download and edit GlobalDefinitionTemplate.xml file.

<define-classifier name="asset-type">
	<add-value value="New Asset Type"/>

-Upload GlobalDefinitionTemplate.xml file.
-Open Asset Types page following Support Center -> Usage Controller Tasks -> [Manage Asset Types Association with Capture Templates].
-Click Associate Templates for the newly added asset type.
-Check the check boxes for templates to be associated with the new template.
-Optionally select the default template.
-Click Save button.

Create a new Group
-Administration -> Groups -> Create New Group.
-Select parent group.
-Enter group name and description.
-Click Save button.
-Optionally, in Group Detail page, associate group with Profile, Asset View(s), Reference Model(s), Publish Template(s), Role Assignments.

Create a new Project
-Administration -> Groups -> Create New Project.
-Select parent group.
-Enter project name and description.
-Select a project manager.
-Click Create Project button.
-On the detail page, associate project with Reference Models, Profile, Asset Views, Reporting Users, Publish Templates, Participants.
-Click Save button when done.

Create a new Profile
-Administration -> Profiles -> Create New Profile.
-Enter profile name, description.
-Optionally, select the profile to copy from.
-In Profile Detail page, associate profile with Classification Criteria, Groups, Scoring Parameters, Asset Tree Sort Classifiers.

Create a new Classification Criteria Set
-Administration -> Classification Criteria Sets -> Create New Classification Criteria Set.
-Enter name and description.
-Click Save button.
-On the detail page, click Edit hyperlink to edit Classification Criteria.
-Edit the Criteria.
-Click Save button.

Get Current Library Configuration
-Administration -> Execute Command
-Command: GetCurrentProcessConfiguration
-Click Invoke button
-Save web page as lpc.xml

Set Current Library Configuration
-Administration -> Execute Command
-Command: SetProcessConfiguration
-File parameter: Browse to updated lpc.xml file
-Click Invoke button

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