U8 Soccer Practice Syllables

Ball feelings (5 min.)

* Use bottom of the shoe to pull the ball back and forth.
* Use bottom of the shoe to pull the ball left and right.
* Pull the ball back with the bottom of the shoe, then tap with top of the shoe.
* Tap ball between insides of two feets.

Hosiptal tags (5 min)

* Practice dribble under pressure.
* Practice ball feeling, fake moves, change direction in doctor’s ward.

Change directions (5 min)
Red light, Green list (5 min)

* Practice ball control.

Fake moves (5 min)

* Step over and tap with outside of the same foot.

Sharks and minnows (5 min)

* Practive ball control under pressure.

Bang (5 min)

* Practice formation and passing.

Steal the bacon (5 min)

* Practice one on one.

Kick high ball (5 min)

* Use shoe lace area.
* Kick bottom of the ball.
* Follow through.

Scrimmage (20 min)

* Practice game rules (game kick off, throw ins, goal kicks, corner kicks, free kicks)

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