Sun IDM: XPRESS Language



* A functional language that uses
– syntax based on XML
– prefix notation ( == x 42 vs x == 42 )
* and can
– invoke methods of any Java class
– evaluate JavaScript
* Examples:
– Hello world:

<print><s>Hello World!</s></print>

– Add calculation:

<add> <ref>counter</ref> <i>10</i> </add>

* Used in IDM for:
– Customize UIs
– Defined workflow flow control
– Implement workflow actions

Example Usages

Control Field Visibility

* Hide HomeDirectory if account type is not Solaris:

<Field name='HomeDirectory'>
   <Display class='Text'/>
      <Property name='title' value='HomeDirectory'/>

Calculating Default Field Values

<Field name='waveset.accountId'>
   <Display class='Text'/>
      <Property name='title' value='AccountID'/>

Deriving Field Values

* Display location based on location code:

<Field name='location' prompt='Location'>
   <Display class='Text'/>
            <case default='true'>

Generating Field Values

<Field name='accounts[Oracle].locCode'>

Workflow Transition Conditions

<Activity name='Check Results'>
   <Transition to='Log Errors'>
      <gt> <ref>ERROR_COUNT</ref> <i>0</i> </gt>
   <Transition to='end'/>

Workflow Actions

<Activity name='Increment Counter'>
         <set name='counter'>
            <add> <ref>counter</ref> <i>1</i> </add>
   <Transition to='Next'/>

Invoking Java Methods from Workflow Actions

<Activity name='Log Status'>
         <invoke name='logStatus'
   <Transition to='Next'/>

Test Expressions

* With lh command:

cd %WSHOME%\bin
lh xmlparse xpress_file

Tracing XPRESS Evaluation

* Two tracing levels:
– global
– block level
* Turn on global tracing in (and don’t forget to reload properties):
* Turn on block level tracing:

<block trace='true'>
   <invoke name='getTime' class='java.util.Date'/>
   <block trace = 'true'>

– invalid block examples:

<block trace='true'>
   <Field name ='field1'></Field>
<Field name='Field2'>
   <block trace='true'>


Value Constructor Expressions

* array

   <s>wiper blades</s>

* i


* list

   <s>wiper blades</s>

* map

   <!--Key 1-->
   <!--Value 1-->
   <!--Key n-->
   <!--Value n-->

* null


* s

<s>Now is the time</s>

Arithmetic Expressions

* add

<add> <i>40</i> <i>1</i> <s>1</s> </add>

* div

<div> <i>84</i> <i>2</i></div>

* mod

<mod> <i>142</i> <i>100</i> </mod>

* mult

<mult> <i>7</i> <i>3</i> <i>2</i> </mult>

* sub

<sub> <i>50</i> <i>6</i> <i>2</i> </sub>

Logical Expressions

* and

<and> <i>42</i> <s>cat</s> <i>null</i> </and> # return zero
<and> <i>42</i> <s>cat</s> </and> # return cat

* cmp

 </cmp> # returns -1
 </cmp> # returns -16 (b is 16 positions behind r)
 </cmp> # returns true

* eq
0: false
1: true

<eq> <ref>role</ref> <s>engineering</s> </eq>

* gt


* gte

</gte> # return 1 (true)

* isFalse

0: true
1: false
</isFalse> # returns 1 (false)

* isnull
0: not null
1: is null

<isnull> <null/> </isnull> # returns 1 (null)
<isnull> <i>0</i> </isnull> # return 0 (not null)

* isTrue
0: the argument is logically false. The following are considered true: the string true, a Boolean true, and a non-zero integer. (Anything else is considered false.)
1: the argument is logically true.

</isTrue> # returns 0

* lt


* lte


* ncmp (case insensitive comparison)

</ncmp> # returns 0 (equal)

* neq


* not

 <not> <eq> <i>42</i> <i>24</i> </eq> </not> # returns 1

* or

<or> <i>0</i> <i>0</i> </or> # returns 0, logical false
<or> <i>0</i> <s>cat</s> </or> # returns cat, logical true

* notnull

</notnull> # returns 1
<notnull><null/></notnull> # returns 0

String Manipulation Expressions

* indexOf

</indexOf> # returns 3

* concat

   <s>Now </s><s>is </s><s>the </s><s>time</s>
</concat> # returns <s>Now is the time</s>

* downcase

<downcase><s>ABC</s></downcase> # returns <s>abc</s>

* length

</length> # returns 2
   <s>Hello world!</s>
</length> # returns 11

* ltrim

<ltrim><s> hello</s></ltrim>

* match: deprecated, use contains instead


* message

<message severity-'ok' name='DEFAULT_MESSAGE'>
   <!--message parameter 0-->
   <!--message parameter n-->

* pad

   <s> email</s>

* rtrim


* split

   <s>Austin City Limits</s>
   <s> </s>
# returns:
# returns:

* substr

   <s>Now is the time</s>
</substr> # returns: <s>Now</s>
    <substr l='4'>
        <s>Hello World</s> --> Hello World
    </substr> --> Hell
</block> --> Hell

* trim

<trim><s> hello </s></trim>

* upcase


* ztrim

</ztrim> # returns <s>sample</s>

List Manipulation Expressions

* append

<set name= 'somelist'>
<append name= 'somelist'>

* appendAll

</appendAll> # Create a new list by combining srclist and three elements
<appendAll name='srclist'>
</appendAll> # Add three elements to srclist

* contains

</contains> # returns 1
</contains> # also returns 1

* containsAll






* containsAny


* filterdup


* filternull


* expand
– Returns the string value of the subexpression with $() variable references expanded.

<Rule name="testExpand">
	<RuleArgument name="str"/>
	<expand><s>Expanded: $(str)</s></expand>
<!-- If input str is 'test' we'll get: -->
<String>Expanded: test</String>

* get: Retrieves the value of the nth element in the list. The list indexes starts count from zero (0). Arguments are a list and an integer.

</get> # returns <s>oranges</s>

* indexOf

</indexOf> # returns 1
</indexOf> # returns 3??

* insert

   <s>wiper blades</s>
This expression returns the following list.
   <s>wiper blades</s>

* length

</length> # returns 2

* remove


* removeAll


* retainAll


* setlist (and overwrites)

      <s>wiper blades</s>
This expression results in the following list and returns null.

Conditional, Iteration, and Block Expressions

* block

    <s>Hello there!</s>
    <add> <i>100</i> <i>2</i> </add>
</block> # returns 42

* break

<dolist name='el'>

* cond (if/else)


* dolist
The following expression creates a list called subset, which contains the subset of elements in srclist that exceed 10.

<set name='subset'>
    <dolist name='el'>

* switch

   <case default='true'>

* select: Returns the first non-null (and non-zero) value in a list.

If you have the following statement:

* while

   <set name='counter'>
      <sub> <ref>counter</ref>

Variables and Function Definition Expressions

* ref: References the value of a variable. The variable can either be an external variable supported by the host application or an internal variable defined with defvar.

<defvar name='milk'><s>milkvalue</s></defvar>
<defvar name='shake'><s>milk</s></defvar>
<ref><ref>shake</ref> # returns <s>milkshake</s>

* defvar

<defvar name='theList'>
<defvar name='counter'>

* defarg: Defines an argument within a function defined with defun. Arguments are similar to variables, but they must be defined in the order in which arguments are passed to the function.

<defarg name='arg1'/>
<defarg name='arg2'/>

* defun: Defines a new function. The defarg function must be used to declare the arguments to a function. Use the call function to execute the function. Functions are typically defined within forms.

<defun name='add100'>
   <defarg name='input'/>

* call

<call name='add100'>

* rule: Calls a rule

<rule name='getEmployeeId'>
    <argument name='accountId' value='maurelius'/>
<rule name='getEmployeeId'>
   <argument name='accountId'>

Object Manipulation Expressions

* get: Retrieves a value from within an object.

   <!--List, Map, or Object -->
   <!-- String -->

* putmap


* setlist


* setvar


* instanceof

<instanceof name='List'>
    <new class='java.util.ArrayList'/>

Java and JavaScript Expressions

* invoke
– static method

<invoke class='class name' name='method name'>
   <!--method argument 0 -->
   <!--method argument n-->

– instance method

<invoke class='method name'>
   <!--the object to invoke the method on -->
   <!--method argument 0 -->
   <!--method argument n-->

* new: Creates an instance of a Java class.

<new class='classname'/>
<!--constructor argument 0-->
<!--constructor argument n-->

* script: Encapsulates a fragment of JavaScript.

   var arg1 = env.get('arg1');
   arg1 + 100;
   var cal Now = Calendar.getInstance();
   cal Now.getTime()

Debugging and Testing Expressions

* trace


* print: Prints the value of each subexpression to standard output.

   <s>Ashley World!</s>

Data Types

* integer
* list
* null
* object
* string


* Chapter 5 XPRESS Language

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